Thursday, April 4, 2013

When did knitting become an artform? I mean I know there are some really cool knitted works, and like yarn bombing is pretty cool.

But the knitted mile? I dont know if I can classify that actual work as an artwork - but I suppose since there are other knitters involved it could be some sort of compilation work or performance art?
I should tell that to my grandmother...
It looks really warm at least.
It's an artform that I could do though so maybe I shouldn't be complaining about it - I should just not finish my scarves when I make them and instead keep going  - will that make me famous? Celebrity lifestyle as a result from knitting? I'm on it.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

When I first saw the work of Jason Mclean I immediatly thought of some kind of surrealist work.
Jason Mclean "Rosehips and Bullwhips"
His style is obviously much looser and free than the early famous surrealists, but something about it just connects in my mind - perhaps the mass amounts of hidden symbolism. I feel like Jason Mclean poors his entire story into his drawings, everything that is on his mind at any given time. Rosehips, elephants, clowns, big ears, captains, B.C.. Who really can understand the way that anyone thinks? I know sometimes I will be talking to my best friends and have to stop for a second just because I have no idea how the conversation got to where it was or where either of our minds just took it - but I know it went somewhere very very weird. Like peanuts to everest to arkansas butler trade. Who really knows?

Max Ernst "L'Ange du Foyeur"

Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Ron Terada 2008
I fell in love with this work the moment I saw it. I believe it was a quote about a poorly done sports game (hockey maybe?).. I don't know a lot about sports, but I do know this quote can apply to just about everything and anything.
[Sidenote, he's from Vancouver so obviously I like him even more for that].
There is no need to stress over the past, it has already happened. You can learn from it, roll with it, go with the punches - learn to punch back so you are prepared for next time, but don't stress if you lose the first fight.
Life is sort of funny sometimes, you almost never get exactly what you want, but we always have to keep trying and hoping that next time it will be better. It will be. It has to be. Without hope we all might as well be dead. That's why people find religion. Love.
These are all abstract concepts, but they are what drives our entire lives.
It was what it was, but the future will be what you make it be - what you want it to be.
You can always get what you try for - if you keep on trying. Maybe not the first time or even the thirtieth, but eventually you will get it right - you just have to keep trying. You have to.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Hashtag, PROJECTOR PROBLEMZZ. only took around 20 minutes out of our class, at least....
Technology is absolutely ridiculous sometimes. How is it possibly to break the projector screen that badly and not report it to anyone, instead just leave it for our class to deal with?? How rude.

This work by Jon Sasaki applies pretty well to my last entry.... #catscatscats

We looked at some pretty cool works today, I really liked the MTA grad Sasaki...
I just can't stop thinking about triangles though.
Can I do an independent study on triangles? I don't really understand the whole independent study process... I don't know. Triangles are just awesome. They symbolize so many different things...

Past, present & future.
Mind, body & and spirit.

A triangle with its point facing up can mean strength and male energy, point down meaning feminine energy (but not weakness!!).

Point up triangles can also mean going towards the spiritual, point down a descent - because obviously us females are all bringing everybody to a fate less than heaven. What sinners we all are...

Tuesday, March 19, 2013

Leopard Print Everything.

Why is it that our culture is obsessed with animalistic qualities, when at the same time we are a culture of domination over all other species? Why is it that when a women dressed in leopard print it is to be sexy and strong, when at the same time this is a species that, while powerful, we as a culture are constantly trying to prove our power over?
Leopards are the smallest of the "big cats", is that what makes them more attractive? Or is it more of a general obsession with cats in general that our culture has...? Definitely a possibility. My cat's breed is 'oriental', but she was bred to look like a leopard, and if it wasn't for her big belly (and small stature) she might. But why is that such an important thing to note in our society?
Why are we all so obsessed with cats?!

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

For some reason my embed isn't working, but I really wanted to share this video... it sort of applys to what we have been learning in class and we also have sort of been talking about video as a national style of art.
Don't know if this screams CANADA, but it is a candian artist and an NFB film, so maybe this is what Canada is.

check it out! sorry I couldn't embed it, its only 5 minutes though and super cool.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

This week is international women's week, and last sunday was international sex workers rights day - I just think it is super important to note that.
We looked at film's in class today, so I thought that maybe I could bring the two together for this entry.
I am also a super big music junkie, and I am doing a special CHMA show tomorrow for women's week, so I have been thinking about if there are any songs that I can play on my segment. I probably won't play this song because the words aren't really so applicable, but the video I think is worth pointing out because, well first it is pretty cool, and second because it really shows sort of like what it used to be like to be a housewife in a sarcastic sort of way. Plus just generally a fun song!