We talked a bit about the history of NSCAD. Sooo obviously I started looking into artists who studied there.....
Hangama Amiri "Shahara"Series 2012 |
Hangama Amiri graduated with a BFA but is originally from Afghanistan. She paints these amazing paintings that are sort of familiar of childhood but are also abstract in the way that Dali painted his dreams as his saw them or how the earth could be represented as a 2D object.
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Hangama Amiri "The wind-up dolls of Kabul" Series 2011 |
Siobhan Gallagher graduated with an interdisiplinary BDes and now works in NYC with the Penguin Group, so thats pretty cool! She designs alot of book covers now, and other works for publishing. These are some covers she designed, all for the same book, but targeted for different demographics;
I always thought it would be pretty cool to design for books, because you would probably get to read the books and also keep them, and I am kind of a dork. Also I one hundred percent judge books by their covers, and am not ashamed of it.
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