Tuesday, November 20, 2012

"Canadianness is a more or less arbitrary way of understanding...artists who live full time in New York are still claimed as Canadian... How these artists relate to the Group of Seven? I don't care!"

Thank the peace that someone else thinks like this, let alone someone established and invited to speak to our class. Chris Downe was a really great speaker to have because he gave our class a different perspective on canadian art than what we have been getting. I understand and appreciate that we need to learn about the figureheads and the big names... but they aren' t the reason that I love art. Its those that don' t stick to the yellow brick road and do some really interesting things... Chris gave us a whole list of them (I got 23 names to look up and fall in love with that, for the most part, I had never heard before!). 

There is always the goal to paint something newer, something better, to create some new revolutionary style and have your name in the newsprints because really, who wants to "hitch up your car to a horse", wouldn't that be going backwards?

What about Art for Arts-sake?! What about just colour and emotion and representation of what you want to represent in a way you want to represent it. There don't have to be rules... isn't that the point?

Ben Reeves

Paul-Emile Borduas
Doug Kirton

Lucy Hogg
Sandra Meigs

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