I forgot to write a new post for a couple classes - nobody is perfect. These classes all pretty much covered the same content though so I thought it would be alot more effective to just group them together rather than pull my hair out trying to think of something to say each time.
Emily Carr, Emily Carr, oh Emily.
I am actually really happy that we covered Emily Carr so much, even though I am definitely sick of her and don't want to talk about her ever again for a solid amount of time. At least for the rest of semester.
Coming from Vancouver I have definitely heard her name a few times. [Side note: what shocked me was how so many of my friends here didn't know who she was when I mentioned I was writing an essay on her!!] She always seemed like this great mystical person when I was younger because I always saw the swirling magical forest and totem scenes from the later part of her life that she has become so well known for.
I never knew the controversy surrounding her.
Ive taken a handful of classes at Emily Carr University of Art and Design, but even when I was there not a single instructor even mentioned her name.
The time that Carr was producing was not the best time to be a native in Canada - they were considered as a dying race being over taken by the Great White North. But, did Carr share the same opinions as those that have judged her so harshly for being discriminatory and inconsiderate? She was the most common essay topic, so there must be some type of magic about her.
This song by Hannah Georgas for some reason just really makes me think of Emily Carr. There is a magic in her. They are both coming from Vancouver, their arts are obviously about very different things, and yet they are both things that they care passionately about, so how different are they?
Why are we still judging people based on their passions or how they identify themselves? Weren't we supposed to be past this 100 years ago?
Emily Carr may not have been native, she was an outsider observing them perhaps - but she saw magic in them and she wanted to be a part of it. I respect that alot. I understand that alot. I don't think its something that needs to be argued at all anymore.